Friday, August 20, 2010

Webinar on SBA Disaster Recovery Assistance For Business Owners

WASHINGTON – How do you apply for a U.S. Small Business Administration disaster loan? What are the loan limits? Can the SBA disaster loan help with those losses not covered by your insurance?

Get answers to those and other questions during a webinar on Understanding Disaster Assistance Funding with the SBA hosted by Agility Recovery Solutions on Tuesday, August 24 at 2 p.m., EDT. During the live, interactive webinar James Rivera, SBA’s associate administrator for the Office of Disaster Assistance will explain how the loan program works, how a disaster declaration is made, and the steps to take to apply for a loan.

SBA has partnered with Agility Recovery Solutions to offer business continuity strategies for small business owners via their “PrepareMyBusiness” website ( Visit the website to access previous webinars, and to learn more about disaster preparedness.

Since 1953, the SBA has provided more than $48 billion in disaster recovery assistance to 1.9 million homeowners, renters and businesses of all sizes in the form of long-term, low-interest loans.

WHO: James Rivera, SBA Associate Administrator, Office of Disaster Assistance

WHAT: The Understanding Disaster Assistance Funding with the SBA webinar will begin with a presentation by Rivera on SBA’s disaster assistance program, to be followed by an online question and answer session.

WHEN: 2:00—3:00 p.m. EDT

HOW: Register in advance for Understanding Disaster Assistance Funding with the SBA by visiting Agility’s “Prepare My Business” website at