The MBDA Business Center is joining with Andersen Construction Company Inc. to have an Open House at our CCD classroom on Tuesday, August 14th from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. This event is to showcase the Request for Proposal for the 1105 E. Fir Street Apartments construction project that is part of the big Yesler Terrace renovation on Capitol Hill. This project includes constructing a 91-unit apartment building first, then three townhomes with three units in each afterwards.
This RFP, for which info is attached, is
specifically for the MEP trades, namely Plumbing, HVAC, Fire Protection and
Electrical and Low Voltage. NOTE:
This RFP is for DESIGN and INSTALL, not just install. Therefore,
you will be creating the system you will be installing, and you can hire
subcontractors to help. The estimated amounts for each trade are:
Plumbing $1.3M, HVAC - $7-800K, Electrical - $1.5M, Fire Protection -
DUE AT 2:00 pm ON TUESDAY, AUGUST, 28TH! The buildings
themselves have already been designed, however, Andersen is interested in
meeting firms with other disciplines, too, as they have a number of projects
coming down the pike and would like to start meeting some new firms to work
A little bit about Andersen ( Headquartered
in Portland, OR, with a sizeable Seattle office just a couple blocks from CCD,
they are a family owned business that's been around for decades and specializes
in structural work. They've done very large projects throughout the PNW
and have made it a corporate policy to exceed the WMBE goals that are set out
by the project owners
(yes!). In the case of the Fir St. Project,
these are the goals Andersen has determined they want to achieve:
Section 3 - Business Participation - 12%
MWBE and Disadvantaged Business Participation - 30%
Section 3 - New Hire employment Percentage - 100%
Section 3 - Employment New Hires for Project - 60 New Hires
MWBE Employment Participation - 50%
Apprentice Utilization Participation - 17%
As you can see, these are healthy targets, especially the MWBE
goal of 30%, which is more than twice the level the City of Seattle
set. If you have a diversified crew, then your chances of successful
bidding are even better. Andersen has indicated that lowest bidder is not
necessarily their guideline, but best value and goal achievment, too.
I encourage you to attend this Open House at 1437 S. Jackson St., Seattle,
WA 98144 (corner of 16th & Jackson).
Light refreshments will be served and we
have free parking around the building and on the streets. Bring your
business cards and any materials you wish to share. You will also need to
complete Andersen's prequalification form, which you can get directly from
Andersen, as well as project documents. I also urge you to call these
people at Andersen for more info--they want to hear from you!
Ms. Tracey Hilliard - Community Outreach Coordinator - Ofc:
206-763-6712 or cell: 425-652-8798, e/m
Mr. Steve Jones - Sr. Project Mgr. - Cell: 206-541-8108, e/m
Mr. Ben Brodsky - E. Fir St. Project Mgr. - Ofc. 206-763-6712, e/m
Finally, I need to know who and how many will be attending, so
please e/m or call me ASAP so I can give Andersen a head count.
Bring your teaming partners, too, and feel free to share this info with others
in your data base. I look forward to seeing you at our 'home'!
Best regards,
Rhonda L. DeVitoBusiness Consultant
Seattle MBDA Business Center
US Dept. of Commerce/Minority Business Development Agency
Operated by Community Capital Development
Ph: 206-267-3131 x1 | Fx: 206-267-3132 | Cell: 206-234-6390
E/M: | |